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We offer sessions from our light, calm and engaging hall every week day during term time. You can find us at:
The Church School Rooms
Devonshire Street
DE56 2GJ
Parking is limited on Devonshire Street, but there is plenty of parking along the A6 for those who are able to walk the short distance. If you do need to park on Devonshire Street, please do so considerately of our neighbours.

We are very fortunate to have access to the beautiful, ancient woodland of Shining Cliff for our woods days. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays we meet at Shining Cliff Youth hostel Car Park off Jackass Lane. We use different sites in the woodland to ensure we limit our impact on the woods.

Turn onto Holly Lane by St Ann's Church on the A6. Cross the bridge and follow the road round and up hill, passing 2 farms until you reach this cottage on your right.

To the left of the cottage you will find a gate and a track. We meet at the end of this track in Shining Cliff Youth Hostel Car Park. Pick up is also from here.

Many parents park in the layby in front of the cottage on Jackass Lane and walk up the track. Please park considerately to allow others access.
We do have permission to use the track, however please be aware that it is single lane and unsurfaced so please drive slowly and be considerate of other road users and pedestrians.
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